Morgan Academy cheerleaders win state championship

Published 2:32 pm Monday, August 5, 2019

The Morgan Academy cheerleading squad won the small varsity state camp championship at Troy University.

The Lady Senators’ cheerleading unit had two first-place finishes, a second-place and third-place finish. They were first in overall gameday and sideline, second for cheer and third in rally routine.

Averee Adams, Taylor Leigh Chappelle, Mary Elizabeth Todd, Grace Wilkinson, Maggie Holladay, Mary Alan Ousley, and Erin Odom are the Morgan Academy varsity cheerleaders. Taylor Leigh Chappelle, Averee Adams and Mary Elizabeth Todd were named AISA All-Stars and UCA All-American.

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Morgan Academy cheerleading coach Alex Harrelson said the squad’s dedication paid off.

“I am extremely proud of the work my girls accomplished this summer, preparing for camp and their performance at camp,” Harrelson said. “As a squad of 7, each girl must put in 110 percent all the time to accomplish their goals.”

Harrelson said the cheerleaders’ success will give them momentum for the upcoming school year.

“I believe that this success in the summer will catapult them into the new football season with tons of school spirit and positivity,” Harrelson said.