City Council President signs contract with SELCOM

Published 10:10 am Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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Selma City Council President Billy Young signed a city-wide surveillance camera contract with SELCOM on Tuesday.

At a press conference in the Council Chambers, Young and SELCOM owner Rick Williams signed the deal as council members Clay Carmichael, Lesia James, Jannie Thomas, and Christie Thomas were all present. 

Young said that Mayor James Perkins Jr. had a few opportunities to approve and sign a contract valued at over $400,000, but declined each time. 

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“This is not politics, it’s the truth,” Young said. “After considering Alabama law, the public outcry for safety from Selma’s citizens, and the recent increase of violent crime in our community, I sign the contract.”

Williams said he’s glad to work with the city. 

“We’re excited to introduce technology to the city, Williams said. “We are a local company and our money goes to the city. We’ll stand behind the City of Selma and make this right.”

On Feb. 27, the city council approved Resolution 157-23-24, “A Resolution Authorizing the Retention of Professional Services and the Furnishment of Camera Surveillance Equipment in order to implement a city-wide camera surveillance system.”

Section 11-45-4 a- Code of Alabama states: “If the mayor shall disapprove of any ordinance or resolution transmitted to him or her within 10 days of the time of its passage by the council, he or her shall return the same to the clerk with his or her objections in writing…the failure of the mayor to return to the clerk an ordinance or resolution with his or her veto within 10 days after its passage by the council shall operate and have the same effect as approval of the same.”

On March 20, Perkins sent an opposition to the resolution to the city clerk. Perkins’ opposition was over 10 days after the council’s approval.  Perkins based his opposition on the City of Selma, Alabama Code of Ordinances Chapter 2 Article II, Sec. 2-33, allowing the Mayor to veto and or present oppositions to resolutions and ordinances. According to law, Perkins’ opposition is contrary to Code of Alabama 1975 11-45-4 because it was submitted after 10 days to veto a resolution or ordinance. By rule, Perkins’ attempt to veto the resolution by using a local ordinance is invalid and without merit.

On May 28, the council voted and approved the motion Jannie Thomas made and seconded by Christie Thomas for the contract submitted to Perkins. If Perkins doesn’t sign within 10 days, the Council President shall be granted authority to sign the contract and override Perkins’ veto.  Seven of the nine council members voted for. Perkins opposed the motion on June 6. Young eventually signed the deal.