Black Belt Community Foundation receives $425,000 grant

Published 10:05 am Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Black Belt Community Foundation receives an $425,000 grant from Trust For Civic Life.

BBCF will receive $425,000 for its work in expanding community outreach Trust for Civic Life awarded 20 grants to innovative groups with creative civic programs and helping residents solve important problems in their communities. BBCF will use the new grant to expand its community outreach over the next three years.

BBCF president Felecia Lucky said she’s grateful for the financial assistance, which will help Dallas County. 

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“The easiest thing to do is to follow the status quo. The most difficult work comes from making sure that all voices are heard, and the needs of our communities are addressed with innovation,” Lucky said. “BBCF is deeply grateful for the opportunity to expand its community outreach work through the support of the Trust for Civic Life. We appreciate the faith that the Trust is putting into rural communities, and we are honored with the task of ensuring this investment brings about impactful change.” 

Charlie Brown, the executive director of Trust for Civic Life, said the organization is proud to help BBCF.

“Our new grantees are critical connectors and problem solvers in their communities. They are helping neighbors find common ground, solve local problems and improve the community for everyone in it,” Brown said. “Community-led work is transforming American life for the better, and the Trust for Civic Life is proud to support its momentum with these new grants.”