Cities recognize Constitution Week

Published 9:00 am Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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Selma and Valley Grande issued proclamations to the Daughters of the American Revolution in honor of Constitution Week.

On Sept. 17, 1787,  the constitution was signed and went into effect. 

Mayor Wayne Labbe signed his petition on Sept. 10 while Mayor James Perkins on Sept. 19. Here is the resolution signed by Mayor James Perkins:

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WHEREAS, September 17, 2024 marks the 237th anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention; and

WHEREAS, the United States Constitution, America’s most important document, stands as a testament to the tenacity of Americans throughout history to maintain their liberties, freedom and inalienable rights; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to this magnificent document on this anniversary, with appropriate ceremonies and activities to commemorate the occasion; and

WHEREAS, the celebration of the Constitution was started by the

Daughters of the American Revolution, Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America, designating Sept. 17 through the 23 as Constitution Week; and

WHEREAS, Constitution Week is celebrated annually to commemorate its history, importance and bring attention to how it serves still today.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, James Perkins, Jr., by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Selma, Alabama, do hereby proclaim the week of Sept. 17-23, 2024 as “CONSTITUTION WEEK” and ask our citizens to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties, remembering that lost rights may never be regained.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that I, James Perkins, Jr., Mayor of the City of Selma, urge all citizens to study the Constitution and reflect on the privilege of being an American with all the rights and responsibilities which that privilege involves.