Selma Police Department incident report for period ending at midnight Jan. 22:

Published 9:54 pm Monday, January 23, 2012

Burglary third degree was reported in the 2200 block of Alabama Avenue.

Arrest: Oliver Bonner, bail jumping second degree.

Arrest: Jeffrey McMillian, disorderly conduct.

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Disorderly conduct was reported on Twilley Drive.

Arrest: Demest M. Reese, domestic violence.

Burglary third degree was reported in the 3000 block of Conoly Avenue.

Burglary third degree was reported in the 200 block of Wrendwood Avenue.

Menacing and harassment was reported in the 3000 block of Highway 80 East.

Domestic violence third degree was reported in the 2600 block of Minter Avenue.

Property damage was reported in the 1000 block of Medical Center Parkway.

Ungovernable behavior was reported in the 400 block of Water Avenue.

Domestic violence third degree was reported in the 400 block of Martin Luther King Street.

Domestic violence was reported in the 300 block of Birch Avenue.