SPD: Tractor-trailers not following rules

Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 22, 2004

Too many tractor-trailer trucks are failing to follow truck routes or are being left on public property, according to the traffic division of the Selma Police Department.

In response to this growing problem, police officers have been instructed to increase the enforcement of municipal ordinances dealing with large truck traffic.

According to Lt. David Evans, a number of truck drivers are leaving the large trucks and trailers parked on public property when not being driven or used.

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“This is a violation of a municipal ordinance,” Evans said. “In the future, the police department will have these vehicles towed to a wrecker lot.”

Having a vehicle towed will result in substantial wrecker and storage fees, along with receiving a citation for violating the ordinance.

Evans said if large trucks are parked on private property without the owner’s permission, the property owners could have the vehicles towed at no expense to them.

“Police officers will assist these property owners as much as possible to remove the illegally parked vehicles,” Evans said.

Evans also pointed out that Selma has a designed truck route for large truck traffic, which consists of Highways 80, 22, and 14.

The downtown Selma area is not a designated truck route, Evans says, unless trucks are picking up or delivering goods and merchandise.

Truck drivers should not drive off the designated routes in order to park their vehicles at their residence within the city.

“Those drivers who violate this ordinance will be cited,” Evans said.

The traffic division of the SPD will handle the majority of the enforcement, but the patrol division will also be directed by Chief Robert Green to assist in the enforcement of the municipal laws.

For further information on the tuck traffic ordinances, contact the SPD traffic division at 874-2123 or Chief Green at 874-2120.