Wallace Community College Selma is going to be busy in August.
Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 29, 2004
City, state and college officials announced that the college will play host to the Black Belt Entrepreneurship Summit for Selma and Black Belt Businessmen in the middle of next month.
The event will bring together the Alabama International Trade Council, the World Trade Association, the Centre for Commerce and the City of Selma.
On August 10, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local and area entrepreneurs will have a chance to network with some of the best business minds the state can offer.
The summit will allow area business owners and would be business owners the chance to get together with like-minded citizens and explore options.
Hopefully, said organizers, the event will allow potential business owners a chance to expand their horizons and provide them with ideas on exactly how.
Hilda Lockhart, of the Alabama Development Office, was at the school to make the announcement.
“It’s just such a great opportunity,” she said of the Summit.
Immediately following the Summit, the Alabama Small Business Association, in conjunction with the Alabama Development Office, Concordia, WCCS, United States Business Association, the Women’s Business Conference and the City of Selma, will host its Rural Economic Development Conference at Wallace from August 11-13.
The conference will include Alabama’s mobile business assistance center behind the Selma-Dallas County Library. The mobile center allows local business owners the chance to get technical assistance and training, as well has help with loan applications.
Gov. Bob Riley and Rep. rtur Davis will speak at the event.
Carolyn Powell, with Davis’ office, said Davis was looking forward to the event.
“The Congressman is a big supporter of this,” she said.
Sen. Hank Sanders, who was present for the announcement, was one of the many who worked to bring the events to Selma.
“I intend to do everything I can to make this a success,” Sanders said.
Mayor James Perkins, who made the announcement, said both events was something he and others had worked hard for.
“We decided we would take the ball and run with it,” Perkins said.