ADC backs hopefuls

Published 12:00 am Monday, May 31, 2004

The Alabama Democratic Conference announced its endorsements for Tuesday’s Primary Election recently.

While almost all of the endorsements for the various offices were incumbents, there were three that were challengers to the seats.

Daryl Moore, the challenger for County Commission District 3; Jimmy Nunn, city attorney and candidate for District Judge; and Michael Jackson, the challenger for the District Attorney’s positions.

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Selma ADC chairman and code enforcement officer Henry Hicks said the decisions were based on a careful deliberation process, and reflected the local chapter’s goals for the upcoming election.

“They (the candidates) came through a screening process,” Hicks said. “It was an executive committee decision.”

Earlier this year, Park Keiths, an assistant district attorney, resigned after leaving a racial slur on another attorney’s voice mail. Hicks said ADC’s decision to endorse Jackson over the incumbent Greene was not motivated by the incident.

“Our (decisions) were based on the candidates themselves,” Hicks said. “It’s by what we think is the best candidate.”

Hicks said the overriding factors in the ADC’s decisions came from a desire to help the people of the area.

“It’s about the people,” Hicks said. “It’s just about accountability and being able to work with the people.”

Hicks said the organization also wanted local and state candidates to be more accessible to their constituents.

The following candidates were endorsed by the ADC:

County Commission D-1:Connel ‘Big Daddy’ Towns

County Commission D-33Darryl Moore

County Commission D-4:Kim Ballard

District Judge:Jimmy Nunn

Circuit Judge:Marvin Wiggins

Congressional District 7:Rep. Artur Davis

District Attorney:Michael Jackson