Pilgrimage example of Selma’s positives

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 23, 2004

This past weekend visitors and residents alike enjoyed Pilgrimage. Selma’s historic homes were viewed by hundreds, if not thousands, of history seekers. Our city’s coffers, as well as its reputation, grew just a little more as they do with each passing Pilgrimage.

And Selma took one more step toward coming into its own.

Our city is filled with positives &045; Pilgrimage is more than proof of that. Each year we enjoy the fruits of our historic district and the effort we’ve put into it. We also reap the benefits of the &uot;ghosts&uot; that roam Old Live Oak Cemetery and the antiques on display, and sale, at the convention center.

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Our city is alive with history. Visitors may come and go once a year, but we are fortunate enough to live in Selma where history truly does meet hospitality. For us, the red carpet is always just down the road. Whether it’s a trip to one of Selma’s museums or a stroll along a cemetery’s path, residents are happy to assist someone in search of history.

And not only history, but beauty as well.

How many cities can boast of blossoming trees hanging with Spanish moss? Or a historic district that sweeps across the city and is filled with magnificent homes? It’s a scene you may see in movies, but rarely catch a glimpse of just down the road.

Unless, of course, you’re lucky enough to live in Selma.