Looking towards the future of city schools
Published 8:06 pm Monday, November 9, 2009
I am filled with joy as I pen this letter because a new vision for our children is brewing within the confines of our school walls, throughout the Selma City Schools District and is expanding into our local community. It is a vision of hope that all students will be prepared and equipped with the tools that they will need to successfully compete in our global society. Isaiah 43: 18-19 states, “Do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?” Our District has been on a stormy course but the word of Isaiah is the epitome of the revitalization and progress that is occurring within the Selma City Schools District. Yes, something new is springing forth. Our new hope and vision is being driven by the Selma City Schools’ Strategic Plan which was created by our Districts’ stakeholders and adopted by the City School Board of Selma. All of the programs within the Selma City Schools District will be aligned with this plan and we will have purposeful implementation of all of the goals, objectives, and strategies. We are making every effort to comply to the plan’s timeline as we strive to become an innovative and progressive school district which will impact our community, the Blackbelt, the State of Alabama and beyond. To attain this goal, we need your continued support, resources, and most of all your prayers. If we are to build a brighter future and a better tomorrow for our children and our community, we must stand united and keep our eye upon the prize. We can not let transition nor any other barriers suspend our momentum and hinder our progress. As the economy struggles to recover and proration looms over the State of Alabama, we will have to make some tough but fiscally sound decisions and our overall goal continues to be preserving the classroom. In fact, we are celebrating the acquisition of the $20 million dollar bond which will be utilized to build a new high school which will hopefully attract industry and improve the prosperity of our city. We sincerely thank Governor Riley, Superintendent Morton, Craig Pouncey, Perry Taylor, and the entire State Department of Education for working with us on this endeavor. We are also grateful to our State and local government. Because of President Obama’s vision and the legislation of the United States legislature, a dream is being realized in Selma. At this time, I would like to thank all Selma City School Personnel, our academic partners, Advisory Committees, and the community for your support. I would like to especially thank the pastors who have prayed continually for our District and most importantly for our children. I am encouraged by the community unity that has been expressed for the education of God’s precious gems, the children. Thank you for your confidence in my leadership and I promise that I will do everything within my power to retain your trust in me. Therefore, the Selma City Schools will continue to be transparent and our doors will be open to all of our stakeholders. Finally, as the author of the book of Hebrews writes so eloquently, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works.” I am your servant and I hope that we can stir up unity, love, and good works so that our vision will bring victory for all children.
Dr. Austin Obasohanis the Superintendent of Selma City Schools.