It’s a sad day for Selma …
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Gone are the men in their woolen uniforms &045;&045; rifles and bayonets in their hands, sabers at their sides.
Gone are the women in their regal hoop skirts &045;&045; broad-rimmed hats adorning their heads, many with children in tow.
Gone are the suttlers with their array of everything Civil War-like.
Gone are the cabins and makeshift soldiers’ barracks at Riverfront Park &045;&045; authentic to a heartbeat.
Gone are the majestic horses, with equally handsome and well-trained riders.
Gone are the ear-splitting, ground-shaking cannons &045;&045; and the swirls of gun powder that emanated from them.
Gone is the homemade sarsaparilla, root beer and lemonade in those wonderful, old-time bottles.
Gone is the kettle corn.
Gone are the tattered Confederate and Union Flags.
Gone is the brass band.
Gone are the bugle calls and drum beat.
Gone are the society ladies and their parasols.
Gone are the appreciative crowds.
Gone are the school kids gawking with wide-eyed delight.
Gone is the dancing and polite revelry of the Battle of Selma Ball.
Gone are the battlefield surgeons and their Civil War-era M.A.S.H. units.
Gone are the nurses.
Gone is the 16th Battle of Selma.
Long live the 17th.
Thanks to all who helped make the Battle of Selma re-enactment entertaining, educational and profitable.
We’ll see you next year.