Selma has lost another son to a senseless crime

Published 12:20 am Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Friday, Selma lost another son. It lost another citizen to a criminal act; an act settled with a gun.

Far too many times, we sit here at the newspaper and try to determine what the best headline for a story will be. We have simply run out of any creativity when it comes to another shooting, another murder.

Saturday’s edition was adorned by a simple headline to mark the senseless shooting, the selfish taking of another’s life. It simply read, “One Killed.” What else could we have said?

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What else could we have written that would have had more of an impact?

What could we have said that would have made a difference or changed a culture in Selma that longs to settle arguments at the point of the gun rather than a series of words?

The answer is nothing.

Until the community as a whole — the entire community — stands up to this criminal element, this culture, then we will unfortunately continue to see headlines that are far too simply written, with far too tragic a meaning.