Annual Rotary barbecue sale set for Wednesday

Published 10:59 pm Monday, May 7, 2012

Area residents will once again be able to satisfy their barbecue craving as the Selma Rotary Club hosts its annual barbecue fundraiser Wednesday at Memorial Stadium.

The event is one of the largest fundraisers the club holds each year with the proceeds going to fund community initiatives.

In the past, the club has funded organizations such as the city and county schools, the Journey School, the Selma Public Library, the Job Fair, the United Way, the Salvation Army and the YMCA, among others. The club also awards annual scholarships to area high school seniors and honors a “citizen of the year.”

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This year’s sale will be different as the club is not selling individually packaged barbecue by the pound. Instead, the club is selling whole Boston butts for $35 each.

“In recent years there has been more demands for Boston butts, so that seems like what people are wanting, so we decided to go that route this year,” Selma Rotary Club president John Nettles said. “Also, by selling whole butts, it allows us to make more profit and the more profit we make the more we can give to the charities we support.”

Tickets can be purchased through any Rotary member or people can pay the day of the sale for their barbecue, but quantities are limited, so club members encourage those purchasing the day of the sale to come early. Pickup begins at 11 a.m. and last until 6 p.m.

Club members will work through the night Tuesday preparing the barbecue with the meat being purchased locally through R. L. Ziegler’s Selma meat packing plant.

The Selma Rotary Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. every Monday at the St. James Hotel and the club is involved in many community-building projects such as Camp Grist, Camp ASCCA, Habitat for Humanity and delivers Meals on Wheels each week to local residents.