Jury selected; murder trial begans today
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 3, 2002
A jury was chosen Monday in the capital murder trial of Jermaine English and Delwan Smith and the trial is expected to begin today at 9 a.m.
English and Smith, both 25, are accused of the murder of Terry Morris during a robbery. Morris was found dead in January of last year at the C&L Laundromat. He had just left the M&M grocery store with an undisclosed amount of money.
The jury selection began Monday with Judge Jack Meigs explaining the requirements of being a juror. Requirements included being at least 19 years old and a resident of Dallas County, among others.
Meigs then heard from those potential jurors who thought they didn’t meet one or more of the requirements.
District Attorney Ed Greene said that the day was spent asking potential jurors questions in an effort to decide who would be on the jury. Questions included how much knowledge of the case each person had, and what each person had read about the case.
Around 3:30, said Greene, the jury was struck.
Striking a jury, explained Greene, involves examining each possible juror and seeing if there is a reason why he or she shouldn’t
serve. For example, being closely related to someone in the case could be a factor.
When a juror is struck from the list then there name is crossed off and they are removed from the ballot, said Greene.
All potential jurors will return to the courthouse Tuesday morning, Greene said, and 14 will be chosen for the capital murder case. The two additional jurors will be alternates.
The remaining potential jurors will then go through the process again for a different trial, said Greene.