Protect marriage and our children
Published 10:38 pm Saturday, May 26, 2012
By Byrd Looper,
Dear Mr. President: Your decision to approve and even support same-sex marriage is an abomination in my opinion and should have a negative effect on your re-election plans. Franklin Graham, son of the great evangelical minister Billy Graham and a great advocate of Christian values in his own right, points out that marriage between a man and a woman represents 8000 years of a human institution the world over.
Byron Babione, a writer for USA TODAY, deals with the same-sex issue in a most succinct way in his May 10 column, and he mirrors my views perfectly. The title of his column is, “You can’t redefine marriage.” Mr. Babione begins his comments as follows: “The union between one man and one woman — marriage — is timeless, universal and special. It is the only relationship absolutely essential to the future of humanity.
“Marriage is the fundamental building block for all of human civilization, not merely an arrangement between two people who say they love each other. Marriage between a man and a woman naturally builds family — mom, dad and children — and gives hope that the next generation will carry on into the future.
“Marriage is, therefore, society’s time-tested way to bless as many children as possible with both a mom and a dad. Why? Because moms and dads are both necessary. Neither is replaceable by a genetic adult. Many men make good dads, but no man can ever be a mom. Many women make good moms, but no woman can ever be a dad.”
In paraphrasing the remainder of the article by Mr. Babione plus adding some of my own thoughts, the writer characterizes redefining marriage as “nothing short of creating a square circle.” Also, he is quick to state that so-called “civil unions” have been unsuccessful and equating them to same-sex marriage is akin to dragging a wooden horse into the middle of Troy.
I figure a highly educated person such as you, Mr. President, is up on his Greek mythology. Our society needs to protect marriage and thereby protect children.