Heartworm levels scarry to dog lovers
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 23, 2002
It is a shame that heartworm infections in area dogs have reached epidemic proportions.
This is a simple case of people not properly taking care of their animals and borders on neglect. Heartworms, which slowly kill a dog, are totally preventable if the owner is responsible enough to administer the proper preventative medicines.
Heartworms imbed inside the animal and slowly sap the strength from a dog. Far too many dogs are left untreated and eventually die a slow and uncomfortable death because of heartworm infection.
One vet estimates that half of the canine population here is not on any heartworm preventative medication.
Heartworms are carried by mosquitoes and transmitted through bites from the insects. Because we live in a relatively wet and swampy climate, Selma and Dallas County is heartworm country.
It is encouraging to see local vets raise awareness of heartworms in dogs and the prevention of heartworms. This week area vets are conducting free screenings for heartworms in an effort to help pet owners solve the problem.
Owners of animals are encouraged to find out how to prevent heartworms and how to treat animals that are already infected. The treatment of heartworms can be costly and burdensome and each owner must make the decision they feel is best if their animal is diagnosed.
It is not the intent to ask each owner to treat their dog’s heartworm condition, but it is the intent to ask owners of dogs to make an effort to prevent the disease.
The cost of preventative medicine is relatively inexpensive when compared to the cost of owning a dog. It is also as easy as giving the dog a pill each month.
If someone truly cares about an animal, preventing heartworms should be automatic.