The importance of staying active

Published 11:21 pm Friday, June 8, 2012

Among the issues that constantly loom over Selma and Dallas County, two of the most referenced are obesity and violence.

Health and safety are two of the most important things to an individual, and obesity and violence are both unfortunate realities within the city of Selma.

It’s also tragic when both these issues strike Selma’s citizens at a young age.

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Obesity and violence among children are issues that constantly need to be addressed.

Cutting off these issues early is key to saving lives, and many organizations around Dallas County have done a great job of addressing those two problems.

One organization that deserves a lot of credit is the Selma Parks and Recreation Department and its operation of the youth baseball and softball leagues during the spring.

Youth athletics are key in combating the two issues of violence and obesity because, for starters, encouraging children to participate in sports gives them a positive outlet.

Children who participate in athletics are taught important skills that they carry with them in all phases of their lives.

Sports aren’t just about competitiveness and winning.

Youth players are taught teamwork, respect and sportsmanship.

It’s for that reason that credit should also go to the volunteer coaches and everyone who works with the many teams for teaching the young athletes these positive life lessons.

Skills like those are important in keeping children away from violent activities.

Obviously, another positive that is conveyed through the recreation department’s youth leagues is exercise.

Sure, baseball and softball aren’t sports that involve as much movement as sports like basketball and football, but any exercise is good exercise.

It’s always good to encourage children to be physically active and the youth leagues fill that role in helping combat obesity.

Finally, credit goes to the parents for involving their children in the leagues because by doing so, they expose their children to these positive outlets that keep them off the streets and healthy.