Downtown showing signs of progress

Published 7:58 pm Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sometimes it feels good just to sit outside somewhere in the downtown area and watch people and the traffic.

The other night a few friends and I met up downtown. We sat outside a local restaurant and talked; went in and had a meal, then enjoyed some of the evening by walking down Broad Street.

Here’s what we noticed: Folks are cleaning up.

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The windows of the businesses all along the way looked clean and fresh. We didn’t have to kick any litter out of the way. Even the summer air smelled fresh.

OK. Well, the summer air part we noticed right away because the heat wasn’t so oppressive.

Maybe our endorphins were up because we had walked after a good meal. Maybe we just stopped to notice businesses we pass daily, but we don’t pay attention because we’re in a hurry during the day.

There are a myriad of reasons why we noticed what we notice.

Or. Maybe. Just maybe.

Selma is cleaning up.

Maybe. Just maybe.

The impetus of the construction going on along the river to install the first of the Riverfront Park phase has folks perked up and wanting to present a better face.

Maybe. Just maybe.

Sunrise Selma’s investment in downtown and a promise of new things to come has others excited about the potential that our downtown offers.

Maybe. Just maybe.

We’re all beginning to wake up and enjoy what we have, working to make it better, instead of waiting for a handout from somebody in an official office somewhere. Here in Selma we have a tendency to stick our hands out for money without exerting much in the way of energy toward innovation or upkeep. Take a look at downtown’s empty buildings and vacant lots.

It’s good to walk downtown and see progress.