Improving collaborative relationships

Published 10:15 pm Tuesday, July 9, 2013

By Odu Ufomadu
The Selma Times-Journal

Thanks to some existing collaborative groups in this city for their achievements, still we need to enhance the level of the collaborative relationships in Selma; particularly those geared toward good education, family and community betterment.

Collaboration actually takes effect when people come together for a common goal. People should always be appreciated, and not mistaken, when they sacrifice their time to solve problems or contribute toward reaching a set common goal or objective.

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I applaud those who work with the school board. With no exception, I have always respected everybody that comes to the school board meetings to help us and in return, they’ve always respected me. For a relationship to be considered collaborative there should be respect and trust among team members.

I strongly believe that people should collaborate with those who are different from them. Regardless of the diversity, if their goal for growth matches the goal of the team, with no intention to do illegal activity,they should be openly welcomed. It does not matter if it is the Alabama Education Association(AEA), Alabama Association of School Boards(AASB), Parents Against Corrupt Officials(PACO), People After Peace And Love(PAPAL) and etc; as far as they are concerned about the proper development of a place , student achievement, staff and students welfare.

Above all, collaboration for improved education in a community may be questionable if it constantly looks over parents, law enforcement, teachers, counselors, elders, health experts, spiritual leaders, business community, community leaders, students and any that truly cares.

One cannot be demoralized if you are one of the above or other and you are looked over by human beings. True, because the collaboration may not be for you at that time; or your light which you may not be aware of the intensity may be too bright for the collaboration. It is not that you have an issue because none in the existing collaboration is perfect.

We have to constantly remind ourselves that our sense of worth or motivation is not based on affiliation, title, class and etc; but is based  on the verity that greater is the God that is in us than any worldly connection.

Being a part of collaboration is not just enough; it is what one stands for that matters. Your positioning in the collaboration should never glorify atrocity and then condemn the just whom you do not like and support or who do not belong to your clique because, “He that justifieth the wicked; and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.” Proverbs 17:15

Let’s continue to reward good deeds with encouragement for it is awfully detrimental to reward good deeds with evil; continue to sow good seeds; love people accurately, so that those that do not like us will be the losers.

Let’s be humble and utilize our gifts and talents for improving our family and community and doing things that give glory to God for it is by so doing will potentials be maximized.

Be not weary in trying to be a part of a collaboration that wants to do good, regardless of how many times that you are discouraged and rejected. Hang in there; remember, if you matter, people worry about your presence .

Again, if they worry about you even when your intentions are good, then you matter; peace.