Shop in Selma before cruising out of town
Published 7:45 pm Thursday, July 25, 2013
The upcoming sales tax holiday, a break for those specifically purchasing all of their back to school items, is just around the corner.
Next week department store shelves will be picked over and terrorized by frenzied parents and excited children trying to find backpacks and the specific set of glue sticks their supply list demands.
But before booking it out of town, try to gather as many items in Selma as possible. Shopping locally will only help the schools — bringing in more revenue and jobs to the city. This can only make our school systems in the county and the city improve.
Remember that uniforms can also be purchased locally in Selma at Screenco.
The Times-Journal has printed multiple school supply lists for grades and different schools, but be sure to keep an eye out for more lists printed in the upcoming editions of the paper.
Lets let our money help our own city. We want our schools to be great and our children to learn. Let’s put our money where our mouths are and sow our own money back into the area.
Selma needs to shop local and stay safe during the madhouse that is back to school shopping.