Democrats have had their day

Published 11:30 pm Thursday, October 21, 2010

The direction forward for our state and nation is only a few days away. Nov. 2 is D-day for voting and continuing down the road to socialism nationally or making the necessary corrections to ensure the Constitution wasn’t in vain. Personally, I choose living in the country our forefathers and framers of the Constitution envisioned. Socialism has been a miserable failure in Europe and elsewhere it has been tried. Why the present administration would follow the European model is mind boggling to me.

We have an opportunity to send someone of like mind to Washington from the Alabama 7th Congressional District. With all due respect to Terri Sewell, she has expressed her desire to support the Obama agenda and has received his endorsement. I suppose the reasoning is to keep doing the same things in hopes of different results. So far, hope and change hasn’t been too successful and based on the model, it isn’t going to obtain positive results.

There is a clear-cut choice between Ms. Sewell and Don Chamberlain for the 7th Congressional District. If you desire more of the same as the past two years, then by all means vote for Ms. Sewell. But, if you desire to see a reversal of more and bigger federal government, then Mr. Chamberlain is the better choice.

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The governor’s race is another area of concern for Alabamians. Hopefully with the indictment of several gambling bigwigs and state senators recently by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on a number of charges, it will open the eyes of voters to the inherent evil of gambling. Ron Sparks has run his campaign on opening up the state to gambling. It is quite evident that gambling isn’t the cash cow that some believe it to be. A quick check of our neighbor to the west doesn’t show improvement in their position since legalizing gambling. A look at the counties in Alabama that have had legalized dog racing for a number of years doesn’t show improvements in their status either. So, if gambling is so great, where are the results of the money being siphoned out of the economy?

For those of us opposed to organized gambling statewide, Dr. Robert Bentley is the clear choice. As far as the state legislature being taken over by Republicans, I say it is about time. The Democrats have had their way far too long.