Company’s excellent work led to expansion that will create more jobs in city
Published 9:01 pm Wednesday, January 14, 2015
American Apparel has reached a great milestone for not only their company but also for Selma.
The company was named one of 15 Gold Star Suppliers in December by the Defense Logistics Agency and is in good company with the likes of Lockheed Martin and Rolls Royce.
American Apparel’s good work has garnered positive attention for Selma, allowing the company to expand its operations.
American Apparel will hire between 50 to 60 employees, thanks to new contracts that were recently awarded and maintain its facility.
And anytime a company can create more jobs, it benefits the community greatly in more ways than one.
Along with the expansion in city, American Apparel will also reopen their Opp location, providing jobs for 130 to 140 workers.
With Dallas County ranking as one of the top three counties in the state for the highest unemployment rate, this is a great opportunity for the county.
As a leading provider of military uniforms, the company produces several thousand uniforms a week, and with the new contract, they will soon be producing even more. American Apparel had unfortunate layoffs two years ago, but with this award and the new contract, they are moving in the right direction.