Program will help farmers grow their business

Published 8:22 pm Saturday, February 28, 2015


The Selma Times-Journal 

The Dallas County Extension Office will sponsor a program Monday to help local farmers marketing their goods.

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The workshop on direct marketing of foods will be March 2 at 4 p.m. at the Central Alabama Farmers Co-op.

Extension regional agents will be on hand at the workshop to provide farmers with information regarding how to fertilize and harvest good quality produce, but the top objective of the program will be marketing.

“The main workshop will be on direct marketing and marketing your produce to the public and just looking at some ways the local producers can go about really getting their word out that they have good produce,” said Dallas County Extension Coordinator Callie Nelson said.

Nelson said having locally grown produce is important to the Black Belt region, given some of the health issues citizens face. She said the workshop would help people make healthier food choices available.

Not only will consumers reap the benefits of marketed goods, but the farmers will too. Producers must try new ways to attract consumers, Nelson said.

“It’s beneficial to the farmers because the farmers actually sell at the farmers market,” she said. “They don’t grow enough to sell to retail chains like Walmart and our big grocery outlets. These producers rely upon the farmers market and selling locally. That’s how the make their living.”

The workshop isn’t just for farmers and producers. If anyone is interested in selling at the farmers market can attend the workshop. Nelson said the meeting is also be godo for any home grown goods like eggs, honey or flowers.