Dogs are ready to be adopted

Published 5:29 pm Wednesday, June 3, 2015

By Lynn Sanders

Sanders is the vice president, of the Humane Society of Central Alabama


I have volunteered at the Selma Animal Shelter individually and with various rescue groups for several years now. The staff at the shelter and the city of Selma go beyond state requirements with very little money and lots of criticism to provide a generally thankless community service. Local rescue groups have done an amazing job getting dogs out of the shelter and to other rescues in other states and into homes.

While assisting with these endeavors I noticed a disturbing trend. As a dog trainer, I was getting more and more dog training clients that had adopted dogs from other counties and cities. I spoke with my veterinarian about this and he had noticed the same thing in his practice. Why where our citizens going to the other organizations to adopt dogs when we have wonderful dogs right here in our community that would have made great pets? So myself and several others started talking to and visiting other shelters that seemed to be doing things right. We have taken what we learned for the others, attended training sessions, had meetings with city officials and shelter staff, and developed an adoption program. Then with the help of The Selma Times-Journal and several local businesses, we have let everyone see that there are well-mannered, healthy dogs available for adoption right here at the Selma Animal Shelter.

The veterinarian for our program selects the dogs based on the temperament of the dog as well as the health and medical needs of the dog. The dog is then given any needed medical care such as vaccines and spayed or neutered. We then implement a program with the dog called “Train to Adopted.” This program uses volunteers to play with, socialize and start basic training to get the dog ready to be a good addition to a home. The dogs are promoted in the newspaper, on flyers, and at off site events to increase their chance of finding the perfect home. The city agreed to open the shelter for adoptions the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. to increase opportunities to meet the dogs.

It has been an amazing success. People are adopting fully vetted dogs from Selma Animal Shelter, going into the community and spending money locally to purchase  items for that dog and as studies have shown improving the quality of their lives by owning a pet. With all of us working together, more animals will continue to be saved.

If you are interested in adopting a new dog, visit the Selma Animal Shelter, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. All money to fund this program is provided by donations and grants. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to this program, donations can be mailed to Humane Society of Central Alabama P.O. Box 511 Selma, AL 36701 or donations can be dropped off at Selma Animal Hospital.