Remember to have attitude of gratitude

Published 8:05 pm Friday, November 20, 2015

By LARRY STOVERPraise Park Ministries Church of the Nazarene

Thanksgiving will be here in a few days. While many are already gearing up for “Black Friday” sales and the launching of the Christmas season, I like to keep my focus on the spirit of the season that accompanies the holiday of Thanksgiving.

As I review my thoughts of gratitude this week, I am looking at the blessings of life. I enjoy life. I tell people all the time; “I love being a Christian.”

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This Thanksgiving season, I want to be thankful for the things that really make life special.

At the top of my list is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I am more convinced than ever that a proper relationship with God makes all of my other relationships better. The Bible teaches us to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.

It goes on to tell us to love our neighbor as ourselves. While the relationship with God is paramount, I realize that my relationship with people is an extension of my love for God and my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I’ve been called an antagonist with regard to many discussions through the years about this issue. People are quick to tell me that they love God but loving their spouse and family are more important.

While that is a good point, experience has taught me that when you love God most of all, it makes you a better spouse, parent, grandparent, co-worker, etc.

The evidence is quite clear. When your vertical relationship with God is in it’s correct perspective, your relationship with others will be awesome as well.

I love being around people. I have always been a “people person.” Having a good conversation just makes my day brighter.

The Selma-Dallas County area is blessed to have such a diverse population including people of all ages, race, and backgrounds. We have so much to learn from each other if we will take time to listen.

Praise Park Ministries Church of the Nazarene is a wonderful group of people who represent all ages, races and backgrounds. I hope that you have a church family that welcomes and accepts all people. Everyone has something to give to the conversation. It makes life great.

I enjoy being with my family as well. The holidays are always a special time around the Stover house. Whether at home or visiting relatives, it is a great time.

It’s more than enjoying a meal together or about catching up on what is happening in everyone’s lives; it’s about a bond that occurs between members of a family who love God most of all, and allow his love to make our family relationships even better.

Life is an amazing thing. I don’t know how you feel about your corner of the world, but I love mine. It’s a privilege to be a part of the Valley Grande community. My family and I enjoy serving the people of the area and working in our public schools.

If you need to work on your relationship with Jesus Christ, find a great church home and a Christian family that will accept you and welcome you in with open arms. If you have issues with members of your family, correct them.

Life is too short to be divided. During this Thanksgiving season, remember to possess an “attitude of gratitude.” It will make this week “simply beautiful!”