There’s hope in heroes

Published 10:19 pm Tuesday, September 6, 2016

By Jerria Martin
Martin is the Director of Hope Ministries and adjunct instructor of religion at WCCS.

There’s hope in heroes! Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman! It’s a bird … It’s a plane … It’s Superman! Upon hearing all of these names we are reminded of a world where evil is prevalent, crime is rampant, but the power of good consistently wins because the hero always comes flying, swinging or soaring in to save the day. Superheroes are awesome! They remind us of what it takes to be a hero in our world today.

Actor Christopher Reeve once said in an interview,

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“What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and the maturity to use the power wisely.”

Consider all of your heroes. I guarantee that each and every one of them have used their power wisely, for the betterment of society.

Whether your hero is the Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Jr., who led a movement to unite and lift a nation, or your grandmother, who strived the best she could to raise a family, did whatever it took to make ends meet, and still made time to be active in her church and community. We all have our heroes that we learn from, look up to and admire.

I oftentimes wonder how heroes are created. Are you born a hero? Can anyone be a hero?

At what point in your life do you get the courage, confidence, and power to become a hero in difficult times?

Former Gov. Bob Riley believed,

“Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.”

This quote is proven to be true everyday as our first responders patrol our streets, using their God-given authority to selflessly serve and protect.

Often times it is their courageous acts that save the day, yet they often go unnoticed.

We must applaud them for the difficult job they do, putting their lives on the line to enhance our city and way of life.

We must also applaud the local businesses and community members that have come together to thank our first responders with celebratory meals and events.

Let’s follow their lead as we all look at the difficulties we face as a community, as a city, as the global church and channel the hero within. Let’s use our power to make a difference as we keep faith in and pray to the greatest hero of all time, Jesus.

Stay encouraged, stand tall, and keep believing in the power of good, because there is amazing, life-changing, and lifesaving hope in heroes!