White Hall is microcosm of decision to be made
Published 12:12 am Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Alabama Supreme Court has spoken and stayed the decision of a lower court judge in the case of the White Hall raid several weeks ago.
Ultimately, the issue between the state and White Hall boils down to this: If the slot machines in the entertainment center are illegal. We have already posited about the governor’s cherry-picking at White Hall, using it as an example for the rest of the state. This entertainment center benefits Lowndes County in many ways — as a viable employer when the county has one of the largest unemployment rates in the state and as a business that returns money back to the county in which it does business. Yet it was selected by the Governor’s Task Force on Illegal Gambling as a lawbreaker while others of a similar kind exist in the state without the same treatment.
Here’s the greater issue. Gambling is a part of the state’s make-up, whether it is bingo for charitable purposes or the casinos on the reservations. Gambling is a part of the economy and, yes, tourist attraction of Alabama.
If the state is going to have gambling in one aspect, it might as well take the next step and level the playing field for all entrepreneurs. There is no center line when it comes to games of chance. They are allowed or they are not allowed.