Who’s carrying a weapon?

Published 9:59 pm Friday, January 21, 2011

Pistol permits are available through the Dallas County Sheriff's Department. -- Illustration

With the increase of violence in Selma, more people are finding ways to stay safe. One of those ways is buying a gun.

There are more than 30,000 people in Selma-Dallas County; 11 percent of those residents have a gun permit on file.

The Selma-Dallas County Sheriff’s Department has issued between 3,500 and 4,000 pistol permits, and the sheriff’s department is the only place where someone can purchase a permit.

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“I travel back and forth from the country with my seven girls,” said Selma resident, Annie Jones. “I’ve had my gun for almost a year now and it makes me feel safer.”

Dallas County Sheriff Harris Huffman, Jr., said he’s surprised by how many members in the community are buying permits.

“Preachers, lawyers and doctors are purchasing gun permits for their own safety,” Huffman said. “When there’s an increase in robbery or murders, the number of permits goes up. The majority of people with permits have never been arrested.”

Huffman also stated once a person travels with a shotgun or rifle, he or she must have a permit with them.

“A person does not need a permit for a shotgun if it’s kept in the home or business,” Huffman said.

Huffman said though the minimum age is 21 for obtaining a handgun permit, under certain circumstances a permit can be issued for those much younger.

“If you own your own business, if you’re active duty in the military and if you’re a college student, you can get a permit,” Huffman said. “You get less than a year in jail on a misdemeanor charge for carrying a pistol without a permit.”

Bobby Nance, sporting goods manager for Central Alabama Farmer’s Cooperative, said although a person doesn’t need a permit to purchase a gun, he or she must still pass a background check.

“There’s a two page form called the 44-73 that we use on anybody that wants to purchase a rifle or handgun,” Nance said. “You must have a valid driver’s license too. We call the FBI and there’s a background check done. If anything comes back questionable, you cannot get a gun, period.”

Those “questionable” items include saying “yes” to any of the questions on the form, which include: are you a fugitive from justice or are you under indictment for a felony where a judge can imprison you for more than a year?

Nance also said a person must be 18 to buy ammunition for shotguns and rifles and 21 to purchase pistols.

Huffman said the process of purchasing a gun permit takes between five to 10 days.

“A gun permit costs $20 a year,” Huffman said. “You’ll fill out an application, we make copies for dispatch and the police station and then we check for criminal records. Those with felony convictions or a history of domestic violence or alcohol abuse will not get a permit.”