Hunt honors Nelson’s passion

Published 11:38 pm Thursday, February 3, 2011

Organizers with the David Nelson Memorial Squirrel Hunt said for the second year squirrel hunters will gather for food, fellowship and “maybe a trophy of some kind.”

The hunt, which is held to honor the memory of Nelson, a former wildlife biologist with the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will begin Feb. 11 at the Alabama Farmers Co-op in Selma.

Nelson supported the Alabama Wildlife Federation as a board member and served as Operation GameWatch committee chair.

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Hunt organizer Frank Boyd said the hunt is more geared toward having a good time than bringing in bag limits.

“It’s a lot of fun,” he said. “It’s not a very rigorous or serious hunt. It’s just an opportunity for people to come together for a good cause.”

The hunt costs $300 per team and the proceeds benefit Operation GameWatch’s Reward Fund. The fund’s establishment, Boyd said, was very important to Nelson.

“That is something Dave was instrumental in starting,” he said. “So the proceeds from the hunt go toward keeping that going.”

A release from the hunt’s organizers said hunters are invited to a social dinner from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11. The four-man team hunts begin at dawn Feb. 12 and teams are due back at noon for lunch.

The team tally deadline is 1 p.m. and awards are given out at 2 p.m.

The release said hunters are allowed to secure hunting grounds on “any property in Alabama that allows you to get back to hunt headquarters by the 1 p.m. deadline.”

Teams are responsible for securing their own properties.

The release also said hunting techniques are open to any that are within the law. Stalk hunting, dog-hunting shotguns and rifles are allowed. Team members can hunt together, in groups of two or individually. Only one gun is allowed per team member and only four guns per team.

Team scores will be tallied as one point for each squirrel harvested by a team member. There will be an additional point for clean headshots. Legal bag limits per person apply.

Non-hunting assistants may accompany the team and attend the social dinner and lunch for $25 per person. Registration fees are used to offset the costs of meals, supplies and awards. The remainder will go to the AWF’s Operation GameWatch.

For more information, call Tim Gothard at 285-4550, Dr. Le Youngblood at 872-2355, Daniel Powell at 331-3550, Doug Smith at 875-5280, Bill Nunnery at 422-3695, Ted DeVos at 850-4955 or Frank Boyd at 301-0962.