Proud of our schools -County, city schools part of Bicentennial celebration
Published 8:26 pm Wednesday, August 15, 2018
The Dallas County and Selma City School system has brought another reason for all of us to have pride in our community.
Three schools in the Dallas County School system and Selma High School have been awarded grants for Bicentennial projects to benefit the community.
Four-hundred schools applied for grants, and 200 schools were selected to receive grants.
Thinking back, the state has come a long way from being a first formed as a territory on March 3, 1817, and later becoming a state on Dec. 14, 1819.
We have faced adversity, and have been the site, especially in Selma, to history that has impacted the nation.
We are very proud that we are part of the Alabama 200’s mission in forming a foundation for the future, and being part of the organization’s vision for all to explore and experience the state of Alabama.