Save the money – AG right to side with SPD on forfeiture fund

Published 1:53 pm Monday, September 3, 2018

On Friday, the Alabama Attorney General’s Opinion’s Division, the League of Municipalities, the Selma City Council, Chief of Police Spencer Collier, City Attorney Jimmy Nunn and Mayor Darrio Melton, guidance was given pertaining to the authority of the Council and the City Finance Director in the expenditure of asset forfeiture funds through state judicial order.

Asset forfeiture funding is often used for undercover purchases of narcotics, illegal guns and other contraband.  Additionally, the funds are also used to purchase surveillance equipment.

Collier said in a release that the Selma Police Department does not own any surveillance equipment, and that he has been routinely forced to borrow equipment from local, state and federal law enforcement partners.

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While the tax increase proposals are something that the general public was not OK with, the increase in funding for the Selma Police Department is something that would have been beneficial.

Keeping what money the department has with the department is important. We commend the Attorney General in keeping the funds with the police department to allow them to do their job effectively.

There is still time to come up with a budget, but time is running out.

We hope that whatever budget is proposed, that it will include help for the department that keeps us safe.