Room to improve – Dallas County can bring scores up

Published 5:42 pm Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Report cards were released for Dallas County Schools, and there is significant room for improvement.

Dallas County Superintendent Hattie Shelton and the school staff have worked hard to bring the scores up from where they were.

“My major concern is in attendance,” Shelton said. “That is definitely something we’re going to have to look at.”

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Shelton said she plans to focus on making sure every student that can possibly be in school makes it to class.

“It’s hard to succeed if you don’t show up,” Shelton said.

This is true.

The faculty and staff work hard, but when it comes to attendance being a big issue, students have a role to play with showing up.

The problems the school system faces is something that cannot be fixed overnight.

These problems have to be faced head-on, and this team is one up for the task.

We believe the Dallas County School system can improve their scores.