Public Buildings Committee to bring BBG proposal to full city council
Published 3:00 pm Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Public Buildings Committee, chaired by Selma City Councilwoman Jannie Thomas, met Wednesday to take up a slate of issues related to buildings and venues throughout the city, specifically the recent request by Black Belt Benefit Group (BBG) Co-Founder Clay Carmichael for the organization to use the amphitheater at a discounted rate in its pursuit of this year’s Levitt AMP Music Series grant.
During a council work session earlier this week, Carmichael requested that BBG be allowed to use the amphitheater for roughly 10 weeks at a rate of $500 per event – use of the space is contingent on being approved for the grant, which would provide funding for 10 free musical performances.
At Wednesday’s meeting, Carmichael reinforced the fact that the grant application, which is due next Friday, requires a letter granting permission to use the venue – in the end, the committee plans to bring a recommendation before the full council in support of Carmichael’s proposal.
Also on Wednesday’s agenda was the upcoming Holiday House event.
Candi Duncan was on hand and explained minor differences in this year’s schedules versus last year’s, as well as the need for the key to be turned on the building at 5:30 p.m. each day of the event.
Duncan requested that the space be provided at no cost between Dec.1 and Dec. 14 and the committee agreed to recommend that such an agreement be approved by the council.
After hearing from Carmichael and Duncan, the committee spent the remainder of the meeting discussing the needs of the City of Selma Public Buildings Department – the head of the department was unable to attend the meeting, so Thomas discussed her concerns related to funding for the department.
Mulling the information was a challenge, however, as all information related to the department from July 26 through the month of August was lost during the recent hacking of city’s computer system, according to Selma City Treasurer Ronita Wade.
Selma City Councilwoman Angela Benjamin, a member of the committee, discussed budget comparison and projections against proposed new revenue, looking specifically at department revenue, staffing, salaries, maintenance and repair, vehicle and fuel, ceramics and art camp, training and the senior citizens program.
While the aforementioned recommendations will be brought before the council at its next meeting, budget recommendations will be made once budget hearings begin.