Get Fit 2019 serves Selma Community
Published 5:10 pm Monday, September 30, 2019
Get Fit Selma, 2019 took place at Wallace Community College – Selma (WCCS) on Saturday, providing the community with several activities and health screenings.
“Our doctors and nurses were thrilled,” said Stephanie Hamm, Get Fit Chairperson.
Hamm said that doctors set up at the health fair inside WCCS were providing screenings and consultations until noon.
“It was really wonderful,” said Hamm.
Hamm said that the Get Fit Health Fair is a great asset to the community, providing people with limited healthcare access the opportunity to be checked out as well as informing them about commonly faced diseases in the area like Type II Diabetes.
While the health fair was going on inside, a 5K kicked off Saturday morning, with many participants running to end Type II Diabetes.
Hamm was thrilled with the turnout, but said there were a few things that needed to be ironed out to make the event run smoother next year.
After the 5K runners had taken a substantial head start, the Selma Chapter of The Links, Inc. began their Walk-A-Thon, in which former Sen. Hank Sanders served has the honorary Grand Marshall.
The Links, Inc. President Dorothy Barnes was happy to see people of all ages come out to participate in the event.