SPRAGUE: Sharpen the Axe

Published 9:02 am Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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Are you tired? Are there important things you left undone because of the other things you must do? Are you neglecting your health for wealth? Are you so distracted by trying to make it on earth that you neglect preparing to be in heaven? How can you turn it around?

I had a teacher who regularly encouraged us that, “Time spent sharpening the axe is not wasted time.” He was expressing a principle from Ecclesiastes 10:10.

“If the ax is dull,

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And one does not sharpen the edge,

Then he must use more strength;

But wisdom brings success.”(Unless otherwise stated: Scripture is taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Used by permission. All rights reserved)

I also have an uncle who says, “Work smarter, not harder.” By no means does he advocate laziness, but he would agree that it is wise to work with a sharp axe. Whatever effort you put into sharpening it saves you much more time and energy later on. In this way, the time we spend today saves us time tomorrow.

Putting important things off can cost us more time and money later. It can also be a weightier burden on our health and spiritual life in the long run. For instance, diet and exercise may take time and money, but the consequences of putting it off can cost more in every way.

Though it can be harder to see, it’s the same spiritually.  The teaching in Haggai 1:6 illustrates the constant fight in which we find ourselves when we try to put this material world ahead of faithfulness to God.

“You have sown much, and bring in little;

You eat, but do not have enough;

You drink, but you are not filled with drink;

You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm;

And he who earns wages,

Earns wages to put into a bag with holes.”

Deciding to make it our top priority to ensure that we are right with God seems like it might leave us without some of the things we need in this life. But Jesus made a promise.

“…seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt 6:33).

If you are tired of the constant struggle on earth, decide you are going to strive for heaven. Study God’s Word. Pray and diligently seek to know Him. Come. Meet the church here. Join us for a worship service. Stop working against yourself and sharpen the axe.

Van Sprague is an evangelist at the Church of Christ at Houston Park. He has a wife and three children. Come Visit! Sunday morning Bible class is at 9, with worship at 10 am and 5 pm. Wednesday night Bible class is at 6.