Give back to YMCA
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 6, 2008
The issue: The Selma-Dallas County YMCA needs community financial support.
Our position: It’s time to dig deep. The YMCA gives to the community through its programs and facilities. We should be good neighbors and support it.
The Selma-Dallas County YMCA brings the community together through its programs. Now, it needs the community’s help.
Typically in the winter months, the YMCA’s budget falls short because there’s a lack of program support revenue. Still, utilities have to be paid, and bills mount for operation of the facilities. Every dollar that comes into the Y is spent on the Y.
Some of the needs include: a commercial washer and dryer, a vacuum cleaner for the indoor pool, bathroom fixtures and various items for Camp Grist.
So, why should all of us care?
The YMCA offers a variety of family entertainment here in Selma and Dallas County. Take, for instance, the after-school program from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Y even picks up students from several schools. This provides a study time and gives children an opportunity to get to know one another, although they might not attend the same schools. The rates are reasonable, too.
Then, again for children, there’s the gymnastics program for children from the toddlers to high-school age. And, everyone needs to know how to swim. The Y offers Wet and Wild swim lessons, eight classes, 30 minutes each.
Adults can enjoy the group fitness and water classes with a variety of instructors. Then, there are the health and fitness classes and the gym. Staying in shape never felt so good or was so convenient.
On Saturday, a group of folks went out to Camp Grist to clean up. The whole damp day was spent cleaning, picking up, stabilizing buildings and cutting a trail to the lake. This will provide a safe and attractive place for young people to gather this summer.
Want to know more about the Y?
Get to know Jerry Wang, the new CEO. He’ll talk to you about the needs and the benefits of membership.
The Y will kick off its Strong Kids program on April 15. You’ll see more information about the events and their purposes here in The Selma Times-Journal.
We urge everyone to dig deep. Help the Y because in doing so, we’ll be building a stronger community.