A harvest of blessings comes for the seeds you sew
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Do not get tired of doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. &045; Galatians 6:9
As Paul wrote in the New Testament, doing good for others can often times be hard work, but it is an investment that will eventually lead to a blessing for those who seek a better life not for only themselves, but for those around them.
As we look around at the community in which we live, we cannot help but see the good here and the bright future that lay before us. As with any family, and we see our community as our extended family, there are issues, serious issues that we need to resolve before we can truly reap a harvest of blessings. But the reality is that we face these challenges together and it’s not one man, one woman, or one faction that can fix what is ailing our community. Anyone can sew a seed, but it is the person that nurtures that seed and provides love and caring before the harvest that truly proves the qualities that make a good person &045; or community &045; great.
In this season of Thanksgiving, we could all learn a lesson from the passage above as well as another passage from Galatians &8220;A man reaps what he sews,&8221; and as a community we need to be mindful that as we work together to resolve the issues we as a community have, know that it will take all of us working together to get there.
We who are privileged to work at your newspaper give thanks every day for the many blessings we have through our service to our readers and advertisers. We’re thankful for the community in which we live and the knowledge that tomorrow will be a better day than today because it’s another opportunity for us to reach our full potential.
The staff of The Selma Times-Journal wishes you and your family a joyous, happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday.