The Issue: Ward 8 repairs build community pride
Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 4, 2007
Mention Selma, and nearly everyone worldwide associates the name with the city’s reputation as a cornerstone of the civil rights movement.
It’s fitting, then, that Selma present her best face to the rest of the world.
Community projects, such as the one recently completed in Ward 8, are such an example of Selma’s community leader realizing a need and taking steps to complete it.
Not long ago, children who went to Sophia P. Kingston Elementary School had to be lifted over rivers of water after a heavy rain to get to their cars or into the school.
But with a grant from the state, the city installed new storm drains and upgraded the sewer system in Ward 8.
The price tag: $763,000.
Now the improves in infrastructure seem to have lead to a renewal of sorts in the neighborhood.
Councilwoman Janie Venter’s area of responsibility is Ward 8. She’s begun working to improve the looks of the neighborhood.
For instance, the next portion of the project is to stripe the street in front of the school.
We have a lot of visitors in Selma because of our reputation as leaders in rights for all people. It’s fitting that we look the part.