Residents celebrate their community

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Can one event give people hope that they can make a difference?

Based on the turnout at National Neighborhood Day, the answer is, “yes.”

National Neighborhood Day

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was celebrated Sunday in Selma, and dozens of local residents were recognized for their efforts.

Residents of Wards 5, 6, 7 and 8 were thanked for the work they have done to keep their neighborhoods clean and safe.

“I think it helped bring people out of their shells a bit,” said Susan Taylor, a resident of Ward 6 who serves on the Beautification Committee and formed a Neighborhood Watch group in her area. “It gave people hope that there can be change, especially with so many negative things going on today.”

More people than were expected turned out to help, and received certificates of appreciation for their effort.

National Neighborhood Day is celebrated in neighborhoods across the country on the third Sunday in September.

It is a non-political, non-sectarian event that focuses on building relationships between individuals in a community through projects that can include cleanups, block parties, dinners and children’s activities.

In Selma, the program was introduced through community outreach.

Many residents have expressed concern about blight in our communities.

This cleanup may be a first step in placing a light at the end of the tunnel.