Mayor can’t be blamed for county woes

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 14, 2007

To The Editor:

After reading Mr. Looper’s article on needing a new sheriff in town, I find that I agree with Mr. Looper because there are a lot of problems. The roads for the most part are in bad shape and the grass along these roads in some cases is higher than the car.

The schools are all in need of repair or replacement.They are also on the “needs improvement list.”

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The price we pay for water is high. Our trash pick up provided by our local government is all but nonexistent.

Our law enforcement needs help due to the crime issue and the jail conditions are deplorable.

Our fire department needs so many improvements to bring them to full time status you would think they are volunteers.

There are many other problems that our elected officials need to address but do not seem to really do anything.

We sure do need something new and it is all the mayor of Selma’s fault. He is to blame. Wait a second … I can’t do that , as you are aware, Mr. Looper, I am in the county and so is The Woodrow East Subdivision.

George Thames

Valley Grande