The man carrying the ball is at risk

Published 12:00 am Monday, April 2, 2007

To the Editor:

Is our leadership at risk?

It has begun to appear to me that to serve in a leadership role; that is if that person is there because he or she is interested in the welfare of the community and wants to help people; being honest and sincere in the work, then I feel that he or she is really at risk and getting into a position for character assassination.

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Then, too, when you study the annals of history, you will find those whose lives were snuffed out by some deranged person.

There are those who have not fallen by an assassin’s bullet, but their positions have been taken and character assassinated.

I am fully aware that there have been some who abused the office and only set out for personal gain, but though they may sow to the wind, they shall reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7). Yet it is so strange that when that type of person gets into leadership roles, the average person pays no attention to his evils and accepts most any ungodly act.

It seems as though we have accepted the philosophy seen on the football field. You see one man running as though his life is at stake. Then you observe 11 men in hot pursuit.

They have expressions on their faces which seem to say, &8220;I shall catch this man and break him into pieces.&8221;

But suddenly, they leave off their pursuit of this man and proceed to chase another. The matter is that the first man (somehow) has given up the ball and another runs with it.

Then I say, &8220;these men just don’t want anyone (going in that direction) to carry the ball.&8221;

So the one who carries the ball is in danger. Such is the life of a true and honest servant. Others just cannot stand for him to carry the ball.

I trust that we will soon awake and cease destroying our leaders for personal reasons, but rather join with them and help in sharing the yoke.

Remember, there is a day of retribution on the calendar on which you may find your name.

Charles A. Lett

gospel minister