Increase pay for good police officers

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 23, 2007

To the Editor:

They are leaving in droves all across the nation. Just about when they get a nice fresh batch of police officers out of the oven, the previously baked batch leaves!

Wonder why??

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Hmmm… Could it possibly be the ridiculously low pay?

Could it be … let’s say, putting your life on the line for this kind of pay? And I’m referring to you hard-working guys and gals on the night shift! Tough work for $12.87 an hour.

But somebody’s got to do it, right? When will most police departments in small towns ever get what’s due? The baby boomers are retiring and no one wants to fill their shoes for this kind of pay.

That means that police departments are leaning toward hiring police officers with maybe a questionable background and no experience just to fill the vacated spots.

Come on, city councils and mayors of Smalltown, U.S.A., think about it. Who ya gonna call when your alarm goes off at 2 a.m. and you are scared out of your wits … GhostBusters? I don’t think so!

You want someone with a gun and the experience and training to handle a bad situation.

But, listen up! When will police officers get a break and get what the job deserves?

Police officers are a vital necessary part of our society.

Imagine if they all quit nationwide at one time! It would be like the wild, wild west.

Everyone better strap on a gun and run for the hills. Every thug and criminal and opportunist would be on you like a duck on a June bug.

So I say whatever it takes to pay them better and keep them here should be done.

Well-paid officers will do a good job for you and the department will be able to keep the same people year after year. I think that’s a good thing.

What does Selma think about this? Should good, hardworking police officers be paid better?

Marie Dooling