Unfair medical treatment
Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 21, 2007
To the Editor:
The nurses of the Selma, Ala., Vaughan Regional Medical Center Hospital are what nurses are supposed to be: Kind, caring, and compassionate.
On the other hand, some of Selma’s doctors leave a lot to be desired in some cases …
For instance: They write orders for their patients, then leave the floor before signing off on these orders – thereby leaving both nurses and patients in limbo when they suddenly remember they have business elsewhere!
This is patently unfair to both the patient – who must await the doctor’s wandering memory – and the nursing staff, which must put up with patients who are going to believe – WRONGLY – that the nurses are holding up their care!
Wake up!! You are being unfair to your patients and your staff …!!!
(I speak from experience, having just come home from a stay at the Vaughan … where the nurses could not have been more caring … and where in several cases I had to wait hours for a doctor to sign off on orders he had given his staff for palliative care for me!
This was stressing to the Max and I didn’t appreciate it at all!)
Mrs. Tevya K. Baker