Jobless rate falls in Dallas County

Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 26, 2006

Unemployment figures have reached a record low in the state and Dallas County’s rate has dropped as well.

From September to October, Dallas County’s jobless rate fell from 8.2 percent to 7.4 percent.

That’s slightly lower than a year ago, when the county’s rate was recorded at 7.6 by the State Department of Industrial Relations.

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Statewide, however, Dallas County is currently ranked 3rd in the state for highest unemployment rate, so we still have some work to do.

We have at least two new industries that have announced plans to locate in Dallas County. And there is unlimited opportunity to continue that growth in the economy.

Alabama’s unemployment rate made headlines recently as it dove to 3.2 percent in October, the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded in the state.

That translates to 2,141,200 employed Alabamians and 71,204 unemployed Alabamians in the month of October.

Gov. Bob Riley said the low numbers are due to the state attracting new companies and existing industries expanding their operations.

While other parts of the state &045; like Shelby and Baldwin counties &045; are seeing unprecedented growth, the Black Belt counties are still waiting.

It can happen, however, if the city and county work together to continue to attract new businesses to our area.

With the Alabama River, U.S. Highway 80 and the National Park Service’s plan to build an interpretive center, the area’s economy should continue to grow.