Electing pro education candidates
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 10, 2006
To the Editor:
Voters will go to the polls on Tuesday, November 7, 2006, Election Day, to choose candidates for various public offices.
Many candidates claim to be pro education/friends of education.
Voters should scrutinize candidates for their views on educational issues.
Elected officials at every level of government share the responsibility of providing children a quality public education.
According to Public Education Network’s, “A Voter’s Guide to Public Education Candidates,” strong public education candidates should:
Know about school reform and ways to improve public schools
Know education policy; the federal, state, and local laws that govern public education; and the responsibilities of the desired office
Make public education a high priority in their political platform
Solicit opinions and viewpoints from citizens through polling, town meetings, community conversations, and face-to-face discussions
Have prior experience with public education policy
Have a clear message about public education priorities
Have a realistic funding plan to support public education improvements and ensure adequate resources for all schools
Communicate who will be held accountable for student and school performance
The progressive future of America very heavily depends on a quality-driven public education system.
Gerald Shirley
School of Discovery