Making a nomination for Senate seat

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 22, 2006

To the Editor:

I want to nominate …

Rants N. Rave for the District 24 Alabama Senate seat.

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Now you may want to know how I plan to get by the fact that he’s from Birmingham and this district is 80 miles away.

I don’t know that I need to. Surely that will be overlooked. You know in Greensboro there is a city council person who does not live in the district she represents, so why would that matter in this Black Belt political race?

Or you may want to know of his character.

I can say that between 1987 and 2001 he’s had 14 less vehicle violations and four less failure-to-appear-in-court citations on his record than the leading opponent. So that sounds good.

Or you may say where will he get his votes? I understand he’s very popular with young people, so surely he can pick up several hundred votes in Marion.

You do remember that in the last mayor’s election that the total number of votes at the polls and the absentee votes almost equaled the total number of citizens down to age seven. Therefore that looks promising.

And then he could pick up several hundred votes through absentee votes in Hale County.

That has been a great source of votes lately.

The fact is that a large source of votes is simply to create your own.

In Greensboro back in 2004, the mayoral election was contested for voter fraud. The case went to court and voter fraud was proven.

But the current mayor appealed and the case is now at the Supreme Court in Alabama.

According to one source the Justice assigned to this case won’t be making a decision for another year.

Therefore why not win today, be sworn in (not that that means anything), and have fun in office for three years until maybe you are thrown out.

Well, you might say creating your own ballots is against the law.

It may be written in the law, but unless the law is enforced, what does it matter?

The Attorney General’s was handed 200+ violations of the voting rights laws eighteen months ago and the names of witnesses.

He had three groups of people go to Montgomery and beg him to do something in Hale County.

With all of this commotion AG King decided to commit one person part time. The investigation has lasted nearly two years and the result is that people in Hale County are still screaming for enforcement of the law. So it seems that an indictment is outside the capacity of the AG’s office.

So if you are not sick of what I have said so far then run for office in whatever manner you wish. It’s easy to win and it appears nothins gonna happen to you.

Law Lamar

Hale County