Kids’ trip tribute to lot of hard work

Published 12:00 am Monday, August 14, 2006

To the Editor:

Thanks for the nice writeup in Thursday’s edition entitled “Selma Youth Get Glimpse At Bigger Picture.”

The article, about six fine young people from East Selma spending time with our family in Vermont, is really a tribute to the work being done by Frank Hardy at the Selma Youth Development Center, now in its 17th year.

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It’s not easy work and like many small non-profits, the SYDC lives from hand to mouth financially, which it shouldn’t have to given the positive influence it

– and Frank – have made to the Selma community for so long.

I wanted to also mention that the children’s trip to Vermont could not have been accomplished without the very generous financial contribution of more than 50 people, mostly Vermonters, who were excited to be a part of this partnership.

In a short period of time we were able to raise more than $5,000 in donations to help pay for airfare, rental of a van, and for all of the activities that took place.

For example, the local Parkway Diner in South Burlington raised $420 from its customers in a week’s time.

Others friends volunteered to lead activities, such as hiking Camel’s Hump (Denise Vignoe) or boating on Lake Champlain (Bill Hoy).

St. Michael’s College’s Campus Ministry also paid for the daycamp tuition for the children; three girls attended soccer camp and three boys attended basketball camp for a week.

It was indeed a true community effort and the kids truly impressed a host of new Vermont friends that they made during their stay here.

We hope we can do it again.

Neil E. Callahan

South Burlington, Vt.