Decision ’06
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Primary election results to be confirmed in 10 days
By Cassandra Mickens
The Selma Times-Journal
With the 2006 primary elections behind them, projected winners must wait 10 days before the results are certified according to state law, said Dallas County Probate Clerk Suzanne Ingram Wednesday afternoon.
According to Section 17-16-35 of the Alabama Code, the county executive committee of the party or parties participating in the primary will meet at the Dallas County Courthouse no later than noon on the Monday – June 12 – following the primary election. At this time, the committees will “receive the returns, canvass and tabulate the same, by precincts, and publicly declare the results thereof.”
No later than noon Wednesday – June 14 – the chairman of the county executive committee must certify and return a statement and tabulation of all votes to the chairman of the state executive committee. No later than noon Friday -June 16 – the state executive committee will meet in Montgomery and receive the returns, canvass and tabulate the same by counties and officially certify the results.
Tuesday night’s complete unofficial election results declared Dallas County Commissioner Kim Ballard the winner of the probate judge’s primary race, carrying 51 percent of the vote. He will face Republican candidate Brock Wells in November.
In the sheriff’s race, incumbent Harris Huffman Jr. was ensured another term, carrying 69 percent of the vote.
District 67 State Representative Yusuf Salaam was awarded a second term by voters, carrying 53 percent of the vote.