Selma needs to quiet down
Published 12:00 am Monday, May 22, 2006
The Selma Times-Journal
City-wide complaints have been waged about noise pollution in Selma, and they made their way to the city council meeting Monday night.
The council’s agenda for the evening dealt namely with problems in Ward 8.
However, council President George Evans acknowledged it is a city-wide issue.
“I’d like for us to see if we can sit down with the mayor and police chief and see what needs to be done,” Evans said. “The noise is not just in Ward 8. We’re addressing it now because that seems to be where most of the complaints are coming from.”
Councilwoman Jannie Venter, the representative of Ward 8, said she would like to see more enforcement of the noise ordinance.
“A lot of people would like to call (the police), but they’re afraid to call,” Venter said. “People call me all the time about the noise. Instead of just writing warnings, we need to start writing tickets.”
The council also took action regarding concerns about the renaming of Summerfield Road. At its last meeting, the council approved a survey that would be issued to residents living in the affected area.
The street renaming committee, headed by Jean T. Martin, presented two recommendations to be used as part of the process that would used in the future. First, residences and buildings that would be affected by a renaming project would be notified of the possible change at the beginning of the process. They would also be notified of the council’s final decision.
Second, individuals seeking a name change to a street would have to make their request to the city clerk’s office.
The council approved 8-0 to adopt the recommendations. Samuel Randolph was the only council member not present.
The council also voted 7-1 to rescind the renaming of the Summerfield and use a new process, which would involve hearing imput from involved residents.
In other business:
* The council approved unanimously to transfer money from various departments in the amount of $4,400 to a central fund. The money is to repair a bulldozer that numerous city departments use.
* Approved unanimously to pay $5,000 to consult with a grant writer for the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) YouthBuild Grant.
* Approved unanimously to allow city employees to take July 3 off as a paid holiday.
* Approved unanimously the clearing of a lot behind AmSouth Bank on Broad Street. A Walgreen’s will be built in the space.
* Voted unanimously to deny Club 49 a liquor license.
* Voted 7-1 in approval of presenting a plaque to former police chief Robert Green in recognition of his service.