City should leave street names alone
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 13, 2006
To the Editor:
I want to voice my opinion on street names being changed after all these years since I wasn’t given the chance as well as others to say whether we oppose it or not. I want you to know I do not like it one bit and feel as if there were a need to do so – why not give 1st through 10th avenues a street name. I moved on my street because I liked the name.
Personally, I think it’s wasted money and time changing street names and also, for ones that have to go back and change the street maps.
Councilmembers and Mayor Perkins, I hope you reconsider or at least let the people on these streets give a fair vote.
I live at 2405 Summerfield Road – The full block between Lauren and Birch avenues and have always been proud of the fact that I do so.
I think I should have a say-so in a change of names.
Also, you could make a plaque or bust or a statue of her and leave the street names alone.
Thank you.
Mrs. R.L. Hatfield